Excursion of the Swiss Young Geomorphologists (SGmS)
Rockfall surveillance and water management issues in the valley of Trient
This autumn, a two-day excursion of the Young Geomorphologists will take place in the region of Trient (Valais). The first day of the excursion will focus on the Donna Gremé landslide/rockfall zone. Located above the hamlets of Berte and Gremé, this area is closely monitored due to the risk of landslides triggered by snowmelt or heavy rain, which could release large boulders. The forest's condition has deteriorated, reducing its protective capability. In response, a protective embankment was constructed in 2018 to shield the surrounding area, effectively preventing damage to the residential properties below. The surveillance of the site will be presented by Gaëlle Moulin and Patrick Gabioud from Tissières SA, experts in charge of the monitoring strategy of the Donna Gremé site.
Following an overnight stay in the refuge “Le Peuty” in Trient, we will hike towards Finhaut. Margaux Delalex, from the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mountain Research (CIRM), Université of Lausanne, will present the results of a research project about water management in the Vallée du Trient regional nature park. This research, conducted by the CIRM with the bureau Géau, aims at identifying the water resource in the territory of the park and discussing several water management issues.