Aquatic islands in the sky: Exploring the Ecological Importance of Dendrotelmata
Francesca Cerroti, WSL
Dendrotelmata, commonly known as water-filled tree holes, are unique freshwater microcosms distributed in forests across biomes. These fascinating microhabitats, which can occur high up in tree crowns, serve as miniature aquatic ecosystems and are essentially aquatic islands in the sky. Formed in the hollows of tree trunks and branches, these natural reservoirs are found worldwide and play a critical role in freshwater ecosystems. They provide essential habitats for a diverse array of organisms, including insect larvae, mesofauna, and other colonizers that thrive in these waterbodies by feeding on the accumulating detritus. These water-filled tree holes support entire communities and food webs based on detritus and are fundamental microhabitats for freshwater communities comprising different trophic levels and processes. Not only are they crucial for the survival of various species, but they also serve as ideal model systems in ecological research due to their small size and clear borders, which allow the study of whole communities. Furthermore, they are important for terrestrial animals, such as those that use them for drinking.
This presentation will delve into the formation and characteristics of dendrotelmata, examining their ecological significance and the biodiversity they support. We will explore the factors influencing their formation and persistence, such as climate conditions, and geographical location. Additionally, the talk will highlight the role of dendrotelmata in nutrient cycling. By understanding the intricate dynamics within these microhabitats, we can better appreciate their contribution to the broader freshwater system and underscore the need for their conservation.
Anmeldung und Infos:
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