Membro della SCNAT

La SSGm promuove la geomorfologia come scienza insieme alle sue applicazioni. Appoggia i giovani ricercatori e promuove le relazioni tra le scienze correlate e l’amministrazione pubblica.

Immagine: Naturmotive,

4° C + or more: Swiss landscapes under climate change

This one year project aims at raising the awareness of the general public about the effects of climate change on typical (cultural) landscapes and their services in Switzerland.

ciel nuages montagnes alpes lacs

This project proposes to project the possible effects of climate change on the most important landscape types of Switzerland and to thereby enable the animated visualization of these effects for communication and awareness raising purposes.

  • develop qualitative narratives of landscape changes based on literature and expert consultations (Module 1)
  • quantify and spatialize these scenarios for the periods 2050 and 2100 for the mountain region Entremont and a region of the Plateau using projections of landscapes as well as biophysical indicators and landscape services (Module 2)
  • develop visualizations (Module 3) from the stories of Module 1 and quantitative projections of Module 2

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