Membro della SCNAT

La SSGm promuove la geomorfologia come scienza insieme alle sue applicazioni. Appoggia i giovani ricercatori e promuove le relazioni tra le scienze correlate e l’amministrazione pubblica.

Immagine: Naturmotive,

System-Risk Conference 2019

Flood risk: Interactions, temporal changes and system approaches

Luogo della manifestazione

Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
14473 Potsdam

The System-Risk final conference will bring together flood risk researchers and practitioners from administration, the insurance industry, and consultancy to discuss novel approaches.

Immagine: Pxhere, CC0

This conference provides an opportunity to share new insights and developments with a focus on interactions between physical and societal processes as well as temporal dynamics in flood risk systems. It offers a forum to discuss the uptake of these findings in risk management including the implementation process of the European Flood Directive.

This conference will be organised by the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences.


  • Accertamento del rischio
  • Gestione del rischio
  • Inondazione

Abstract submission

Lingue: Inglese