Call for Abstracts: MRI Sessions at AGU Fall meeting 2019
Taking place in San Francisco 9-13 December 2019, the AGU Fall Meeting 2019 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to draw inspiration from each other and show how earth and space science enables a more resilient and sustainable future for all. There are a number of exciting, mountain-related sessions – including two convened by the MRI. Abstract submission is now open and the deadline for all submissions is Wednesday 31 July.

Mountain Weather and Climate in a Warmer World (Session ID: 79388)
Conveners: Aino Kulonen (MRI), Nicholas C. Pepin (Univ Portsmouth), Connie Millar (USDA Forest Service), & Mathias F Vuille (University at Albany, State University of New York, MRI SLC member).
Increasing evidence shows that mountains worldwide are experiencing particularly rapid environmental change. Warming rates are often elevation-dependent, and sometimes faster at higher elevations. This session seeks to better understand weather/climate processes and patterns of climate change in mountains, as well as their implications for high-elevations and regions downstream. The Mountain Research Initiative invites submissions which use in situ observations and/or remote sensing and/or modelling approaches. We particularly encourage contributions that merge various data sources and/or cross disciplinary borders (atmospheric, hydrological, cryospheric, and ecological sciences), and meta-studies comparing mountain regions or taking a global perspective.
The Hydro-climate of the Andes: Current Understanding and Future Challenges (Session ID: 78709)
Conveners: Rene Garreaud (University of Chile), German Poveda (Univ Natl Colombia), Mathias F Vuille (University at Albany, State University of New York, MRI SLC member), & Ana Paula Barros (Duke University)
The session aims to review the current understanding of the Andean hydro-climate and discuss pressing research challenges, instrumentation, and monitoring needs along this formidable mountain range. Advances and gaps identified in this session will help us to move forward ANDEX, an international hydroclimate initiative under the GEWEX umbrella.