Achieving Gender Equality and Diversity in the Natural Sciences
A webinar series held online from September to November 2021.

The Swiss Academy of Sciences unites expert societies of Natural Sciences. The members of these societies usually include professionals in research, technology and science, who are active in private and public institutions. Whilst many women study Natural Sciences, they are still widely under-represented compared to men in advanced and leading positions.
The Biology Platform thus decided to organise a series of nine public webinars to address causes and consequences of this situation, and to propose solutions for achieving a wider diversity in science and research. The Organising Committee members were Astrid Oberson, Swiss Society of Agronomy, Carmen Faso, Swiss Society of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, Nicole Imesch, Swiss Society of Wildlife Biology, Didier Picard, Life Sciences Switzerland, and Laurent Vallotton, Muséum Genève.
The webinar series focused on the ‘leaky pipeline’ that stands for the decreasing proportion of women from university studies towards advanced and leading positions in research and science. We addressed topics such as the importance of diversity, recruitment processes, the role of biology, measures to promote gender equality as well as researchers' career stories.
Seven of the nine webinars were recorded and are published on the respective event website as well as on Youtube. Furthermore, you find the summary of each webinar provided by the moderator Romaine Jean.
UPDATE March 2023: A new short video was created out of the 9 conferences. It is available on this webpage.
Dr. Claudia Rutte
Platform Biology
House of Academies
PO Box
3001 Bern