Mitglied der SCNAT

Die SGmG stärkt die Geomorphologie als Wissenschaft und in der Anwendung. Sie unterstützt junge Forschende und fördert Beziehungen zu themenverwandten Wissenschaften und der öffentlichen Verwaltung.

Bild: Naturmotive,

Promotion of Young Geomorphologists

Young scientists (Master and PhD level) from Swiss Institutions can apply for financial assistance for participation in conferences, workshops and summer schools.

  • The application deadline for the first half of the year is March 31
  • The application deadline for the second half of the year is September 30

The application procedure should include name, organization, address of the applicant and the supervisor; also the name of the conference title and type of presentation (paper, poster), Summary of the presentation, as well as a rough budget is mandatory (please indicate how the total financing is covered) and a motivation for the requested of the support by SGmS has to be specified.

The SGmS wishes that the the organization is mentioned with its name and logo on the poster or talk.

It is important to note that the SGmS does not provide financial support for air travel to destinations less than 10 hours away by train. As a general rule, train travel is strongly encouraged for destinations in Europe. This is in line with the travel policy of the various Swiss universities.

Please send your application as a PDF to the President and the Treasurer.

Supported conference contributions


  • Talk: "The potential to reconstruct 20th century soil carbon erosion in rangelands from small reservoir sediments" by Lu Li (Uni Basel) [EGU 2023]
  • Talk: "Identification of Rock Textures and Morphological Biosignatures with Close-up Images - Towards CLUPI’s Operations During the ExoMars Mission" by Gabriela Ligeza (Uni Basel) [54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference]
  • Poster: "Kinematics at the Muragl rock glacier in SwitzerlandKinematics at the Muragl rock glacier in Switzerland" by Sandro Cathomen (Uni Zurich) [EGU]
  • Poster: "Geomorphology and stratigraphic record of the Murinascia Grande delta in Lago Ritóm since the deglaciation (Piora Valley, Southern Swiss Alps)" by Chantal Del Siro (SUPSI) [XXI INQUA 2023, Roma]
  • Poster: "Chronology and morpho-climatic history of large rock slope failures in the Southern Swiss Alps" by Alessandro De Pedrini (SUPSI) [XXI INQUA 2023, Roma]


  • Talk: "Potential for Earth Observation tools to Map Ecosystem Services in Southern Africa" by Nesisa Analisa Nyathi [Geospatial Information Science for a Nature Positive Society, 25.08–05.09.2022, Johannesburg, South Africa]

  • Poster: "Schmidt hammer exposure-age dating of the debris accumulation of three large rock slope failures in the Southern Swiss Alps" by Alessandro De Pedrini [10th International Conference on Geomorphology, 12–16.09.2022, Coimbra, Portugal]

  • Talk: "Water origin and quality of rock glacier springs. Case studies in the Swiss Alps" by Chantal Del Siro [10th International Conference on Geomorphology, 12–16.09.2022, Coimbra, Portugal]

  • Talk: "Heritage value and didactic potential of geomorphological landscapes: the case of eight sites in the Central High Atlas (Morocco)" by Jonathan Bussard [10th International Conference on Geomorphology, 12–16.09.2022, Coimbra, Portugal]


  • Talk: "SCALE: A collaborative payload to demonstrate multiple technologies for a lunar habitat and infrastructure" by Gabriela Ligeza [72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 25–29.10.2021, Dubai, EAU]
  • Poster: "Detecting biosignatures on Mars using a close-up imager" by Gabriela Ligeza [72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 25–29.10.2021, Dubai, EAU]


  • Poster: “Assessing provenance, exposure timing and emplacement processes of large exotic boulders in central Himalayan river valleys” by Marius Huber [EGU Galileo Conference: Perturbations of earth surface dynamics caused by extreme events, Kathmandu, Nepal]
  • Talk: “Rise of the Ethiopian forest” and Poster: ” Keeping up with hydrology during the Messinian salinity crisis” by Julia Krawielicki International Meeting of Organic Geochemistry (IMOG), Gothenburg, Sweden)
  • Poster: “Rock glacier kinematics derived from UAV surveys: validation and accuracy assessment” and Talk “Debris-covered glacier and rock glacier kinematics in the Andes (30°S), documented by 64 years of remote sensing and field observations” by Sebastián Vivero Southern Hemisphere Conference on Permafrost (SouthCOP), Queenstown, New Zealand.
  • Talk: “Dust sources on Free State croplands” by Heleen Vos
  • Poster: “ Inverted fluvial networks in the Antoniadi crater, Mars: A sedimentological and paleohydrological investigation” by Abdallah S. Zaki [ European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC), Geneva, Switzerland


  • Poster: “Simulation of Natural Winds in A Porable Wind Tunnel” by Claudio Fabbri [Xth International Conference on Aeolian Research, Bordeaux]
  • Talk: “Influence of morphodynamics and earth surface processes on alpine vegetation in the Western Swiss Alps” by Elisa Giaccone [European Geoscience Union Conference (EGU)]
  • Talk: ”Geomorphic evolution of eastern Tibet: sedimentology and thermochronology perspectives” by Loraine Gourbet [130th Annual Meeting of The Geological Society of America in Indianapolis (GSA2018)]
  • Talk: “Connectivity and sediment transfer at the front of active rock glaciers” by Mario Kummert [5th European Conference on Permafrost (EUCOP5)]
  • Poster: “Early Oligocene exhumation and syncollisional volcanism in the Central Alps as revealed by combined FT and U-Pb analysis of detrital zircons in the Northern Alpine Foreland Basin” by Gang Lu [American Geophysical Union (AGU) Meeting in Washington, D.C.]
  • Participation: at the 5th Exomars ISS Workshop by Yeardana Meister [5th Exomars ISS Workshop, Leicester]
  • Poster: “Linking ice flow dynamics to the development of downwasting features on a debris-covered glacier“ by Nico Mölg [Journées des jeunes géomorphologues, Lyon]
  • Talk: “Using Cosmogenic Nuclides to Evaluate the Role of Coseismic Landsliding on Measured Erosion Rates Following the Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake, Nepal” by Kaherine Schide [American Geophysical Union (AGU) Meeting in Washington, D.C.]
  • Talk: “Optical and geochemical analysis of the tephra layers from the Hinkelsmaar (Eifel region, Western Germany)” by Martina Vögtli [MAAR Conference, Spain]
  • Poster: “Use of Cosmogenic Nuclide 10Be Concentrations for Estimating Rates of Escarpment Retreat” by Yanyan Wang [European Geoscience Union Conference (EGU)]


  • Talk: “Assessing the effect of biochar on erosion using a high precision rainfall simulator” by Nina Goldman [500 CHF]
  • Talk: “Sedimentary connection between rock glaciers and torrential channels: definition, inventory and quantification from a test area in the south-western Swiss Alps” by Mario Kummert [500 CHF]
  • Poster: “Contrasting Tectonic and Geomorphic Characteristics across the Northern Apennines” by Erica Erlanger [American Geophysical Union (AGU) Meeting in New Orleans, USA] [270 CHF]
  • Talk: “Li and Be isotopic evidence for spatially and temporally variable partitioning of denudation during the late Neogene” by Jeremy Kesner Caves Rugenstein [AGU Fall Meeting, 2017, New Orleans, USA] [370 CHF]
  • Poster: “Investigating the Buffering Capacity of Mountain Communities to Socio-economic and Natural Shocks” by Jorge Alberto Ramirez [370 CHF]
  • Poster: “Testing new methods for assessing the effect of biochar on erosion by using a high precision rainfall simulator” by Marius Mayer [SGmS Meeting in Zermatt VS, CH] [120 CHF]
  • Talk: Rates and patterns of Pleistocene rock uplift revealed by dating paleoshorelines on Crete, Greece: Implications for earthquake hazards in the Eastern Mediterranean by Richard Ott [AGU Fall Meeting, 2017, New Orleans, USA] [370 CHF]


  • Talk: “Mapping decadal land cover changes in the woodlands of north eastern Namibia using the Landsat satellite archive (1975-2014)” by Vladimir Wingate [Land reform in Namibia, 2015]
  • 2 Posters: Soil organic carbon erosion and its subsequent fate in the Karoo rangeland and In-filled reservoirs serving as sediment archives to analyse soil organic carbon erosion – Taking a closer look at the Karoo rangelands by Juliane Krenz [EGU Vienna, 2016]
  • Talk: Spatial and temporal variability of the sediment transfer at the front of active rock glaciers, cases studies form the western Swiss Alps by Mario Kummert [International Conference On Permafrost, Potsdam, 2016]
  • Poster: The complex pluri-decennial and multiphasic destabilization of the Jegi rock glacier (western Swiss Alps): historical development and ongoing crisis by Alyssa Ghirlanda [International Conference On Permafrost, Potsdam, 2016]
  • Poster: Risk evolution in the Richebach torrent from 1890 to 2010 by Irene Kallen [INTERPRAEVENT Luzern, 2016]
  • Workshop: Julia Krawielicki [„IsoCamp: a course in stable isotope biogeochemistry and ecology“ an der Universität Utah]
  • Talk: Le pergélisol au sud des Alpes Suisses (Tessin) : étude de sept glaciers rocheux et relations avec le climat by Elisa Giaccone [colloque de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie AIC, Besançon, 2016]


  • Talk: Debris fow risk evoluton in Sörenberg from 1950-2014 by Benjamin Fischer and Margreth Keiler [SGmG Jahrestagung 2015]
  • Poster: Five years of thermal and kinematic monitoring of Alpine permafrost in the Ticino Alps by Elisa Giaccone, Christian Ambrosi, Marco Antognini, Reynald Delaloye, Christophe Lambiel, Stefano Mari, Cristian Scapozza [SGmG Jahrestagung 2015]
  • Talk: Characteristics of surge-type glaciers in the Karakoram by Nico Mölg, Tobias Bolch, Frank Paul, Philipp Rastner [IUGG General Assembly, Prague] - Poster - Conference report
  • Talk: Rockglaciers on the Run – An advanced approach to assess rockglacier evolution by Johann Müller, Isabelle Gärtner-Roer, and Andreas Vieli [7th Canadian Permafrost Conference GEOQuebec, Canada]
  • Poster: Separation of dry and wet periods from regular weather station data for the analysis of wind erosion risk by Mohammadali Saremi Naeini , Wolfgang Fister, Gowwin Heckrath, and Nikolaus J. Kuhn [EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna]
  • Talk: Soil water dynamic studies from two Arenosols of North-Central Namibia by Brice Prudat, L. Bloemertz, and N.J. Kuhn [EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna] - Poster: Ehenge: marginalized soil with high water use efficiency by Brice Prudat, L. Bloemertz, and N.J. Kuhn - Poster: Northern Namibia´s Ehenge: marginal soil with high water use efficiency by Brice Prudat, L. Bloemertz, and N.J. Kuhn - Poster: Land scarcity in Northern Namibia by L. Bloemertz, G. Dobler, O. Graefe, N.J. Kuhn, R. Nghiteveekwa, Brice Prudat, and L. Weidmann
  • Poster: Carbon Erosion in the Great Karoo Region of South Africa by Juliane Krenz, Philip Greenwood, Brigitte Kuhn, Ian Foster, John Boardman, Mike Meadows, and Nikolaus Kuhn [EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna]
  • Poster: Groundwater, biogeomorphic succession and controls on river channel pattern by Nico Baetz, Pauline Colombini, Paolo Cherubini and Stuart N. Lane [American Geoscience Unition (AGU) fall meeting 2015 in San Francisco] - Conference Report
  • Poster: The Sediment Yield of High Mountain Environment Watersheds by Natan Micheletti, Christoph Lambiel and Stuart N. Lane [American Geoscience Unition (AGU) fall meeting 2015 in San Francisco] - Conference Report
